Recommendation of the series The Demonata by Darren Shan
I'm so into scary books; I just can't help it. Tell me, don't you love the feeling of suspense running through your body, making you cringe, and predict the worse things coming for the characters of the story? Oh, but anything is never what it seems. If you like that feeling you should definitely read this series! The story is divided into 10 horrific books. The main character of the series is Grubitsch Grady also known as Grubbs, but in some books the main character would vary because there are books of the series that are told in first-person narrator from another character's perspective (a character who's not Grubbs). Through the story, Grubbs is in a constant struggle between his universe/world and The Demonata universe. In the beginning of life there was originally space only for the Old Creatures and the demons. The universe was divided into 64 sections, and there was no space for humans, but one of the Old Creatures made our world, and some demons didn't like that. Not everything is about demons and magic, there's drama too, and multiple antagonists, but over everything there's a lot of suspense. I highly recommend this series for someone that likes abnormal, scary, and weird stuff. I personally rate this book with a 9 out of 10. "Why a 9 and not a 10 Rachael?". Well, the series are awesome, but you got to pay close attention to the small details, or you won't be able to understand what is the story about. I got lost in the story a lot of times, I literally had to go back and reread the entire chapter to understand what was it about. If you're going to read this book, make sure you read it in a place where all of your attention will be on the story, well, do that with every book you read. I hope you enjoyed this blog.
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Another phenomenal post Rachael! You speak so highly of this series, I think I need to add it to my "To Read" list. Excellent work, your blogs are always exemplary! Keep up the incredible work!